We are Amrita and Agni, two free spirited people whose dream is to explore the world

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We are a roaming couple who likes to travel on a budget and we generally don’t spend a long time in a particular place. As our blog “Perpetualhoppers” name suggests, we hop around quite frequently. We are passionate about discovering new places, trying diverse foods and collecting souvenirs along the way.

We hail from India and are now residing in Canada. Having stayed in two hauntingly beautiful lands in two different corners of the world and absorbing two very different cultures has given us a unique perspective of the world. India taught us to be tough, to love people, to celebrate any festival like its the end of the world, to cook mouthwatering spicy delicacies, to realize how unity can still blossom in extreme diversity if people determine to work together. On the other hand Canada showed us the true meaning of equality, freedom, community, trusting people and how to care for people, nature and wildlife alike.

We have spent significant time in Italy and United States too and have cherished every moment in those two stunning countries. Among us we have traveled to 15 countries and collected memories and experiences along the way which we would like to share.

About Agni

I am an electronic engineer who is passionate about traveling, photography, food and cricket. I can almost eat anything edible and exploring food is one of the most important not so hidden agenda for me when I travel. I love to cook and especially like experimenting with spices :). I was a solo traveler before but decided to upgrade to a couple one. Two is better than one, eh?

About Amrita

I am a fashion designer by profession who Specializes in handbags and accessories. I am a creative person who love to wander around, doodle, illustrate, make clay arts and day dream. After finishing my studies in Milan, Italy, I roamed around working in different cities like Pondicherry, Mumbai, Montreal, Ottawa and recently Toronto.

To know more about me please visit amritaroydesigns.com